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Hi there! 

I'm Sharon, a single-again, follower of Christ.  

And, just like you, I’ve got a story.

It’s not the story I would have chosen.  I chose the fairy-tale, the happily-ever-after, the Hallmark movie.  However, life didn’t follow my carefully written script.  


I was happily married…until my Prince Charming saddled up his horse and rode into the sunset with someone else.  


In an instant, my world collapsed.  My dreams vaporized.  I lost my best friend.  I lost my identity.  I lost my worth.  


But God.  


In the midst of my hard, I met the Holy. 

In my grief, I met The Comforter.

In my chaos, I met The Peace that surpasses all understanding. 

In my brokenness, I met The Healer. 


I’ve now been single-again for 30 years.  For years I wrestled with the Lord; I wanted to write the next chapter of my life: the one where Mr. Wonderful showed up.  But at the same time, I didn’t want to repeat my mistake of marrying unequally yoked.  A few more years passed and, eventually, my grip on the pen began to loosen.  


Then one day, I sensed the Lord whisper I needed to thank Him for my singleness. After stubbornly holding my ground for a few weeks, eventually I did thank Him, reluctantly.  I handed over my pen and authorship of life, reluctantly.  If the Lord wanted me to be single, I was willing to be single.  Reluctantly.  


Several years passed and, gradually, my heart began to change. The more I grew in my faith, the more I realized that the Lord was always good, faithful and trustworthy.  If I was still single, then there was a reason. A good reason.  So I surrendered my reluctance and willingly embraced my singleness. 


So my life didn’t go according to my plans and I am so very, very thankful.  


For it is in the surrendered stillness of a willing heart, that God’s glorious plan will unfold…

a plan that is exceedingly abundantly more than you could ever ask for or even begin to imagine.

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