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I waited patiently for the Lord; and He reached down to me and heard my cry.

He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the mud;

and He set my feet on a rock, making my footsteps firm.

He put a new song in my mouth,

a song of praise to our God;

Many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord.

~ Psalm 40:1-3

Sometimes life does not follow your carefully scripted plans…

And when life deviates from your script, it can…

   collapse your world

   snatch your joy

   steal your dreams

   and threaten your security.

And you are left with a choice.  Do you:  

   wallow in your disappointment?

   lament your lost dreams and give up? 

   allow bitterness to consume every fiber of your          being? 

Or do you…

   surrender your disappointment and hope for.              what is to come?

   relinquish your lost dreams and dream new.                   dreams? 

   release your anger and choose to find joy?

   seek the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind? 


When you seek the Lord, you will find that He…

    chose you

    called you by name

    makes beauty from ashes

    restores what the locusts have eaten

    and loves you with an everlasting love


It is my prayer, as we journey together through these pages, that the Lord will reveal Himself to you and show you who you are in Him.  

To God be all glory, 


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